Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a weekend!

I've been doing so much lately, it's hard to find time to breathe!  The school year is winding down and I will not be taking summer classes like I did last year.  A much needed break so that I can refocus and refuel.  I'll be able to put my energy into the business as well as my family.  I'm looking forward to a few months of doing what I love.

Speaking of what I love, my daughter was in a parade this weekend.

Raising her hands in victory!

Of course my husband, the character is always one to find something interesting to do.

I also had a fantastic senior session with a football player.  Here's my favorite shot of the day:

This young man is a character and my husband, an excellent assistant, was a tremendous help in making him feel very comfortable.

So that's it for this weekend.  I'm going to try to make it a point to blog a little more often.  I know I keep saying that but it seems as though I'm non stop on all fronts lately.  All we can do is try right?

Btw, if you haven't already, stop by my facebook fanpage and vote on some of the Katy Perry entries.  It's an easy contest.  Post a creative comment on the wall about Katy and the top three with the most likes will be used in a Katy inspired conceptual shoot!  I heart me some Katy.  She's so unique and unafraid.  I'm hoping to do a Firework look, an ET look and a California Gurls look.  I'll leave you with her image because she's a beauty!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

That. Just. Happened.

My daughter actually let me take her picture today.  It didn't last long, only 20 minutes, but it was enough to get some pretty cute stuff if I do say so myself.  Technically the lighting isn't what I would consider perfect but I had to sieze the day in this situation.

She usually runs when I say, "Let me take your picture."  The thought just occurred to me that perhaps I should threaten her with pictures next time she refuses to do something which is a lot!  Terrible twos never happened.  It's been the terrible fours.  At any rate here's my favorites:

They get so big so fast.  It makes me sad on one hand but so proud on the other.  Little Miss Sassy Pants.

I also finally had the opportunity to edit our zoo trip pictures from back at Christmas.  Here's a few of those for your viewing pleasure.

This is my husband.  Well his reflection anyway.  The other guy is a monkey.

Watching the turtles eat was pretty cool.

It amazes me how interactive the monkeys were.  My daughter said her favorites part of the zoo was the "chipanties".

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The contest is over and there were plenty of fine entries!  I'm so glad to have gotten to see some of them.  I decided, due to some confusion, that I would award first, second and third place winners a free session and varying discounts on packages.  Here are the winners:

Adorable?  Yes.  If you weren't able to enter this contest never fear!  I will probably run another contest in a few months.  The goal was to make packages available for a discount and to build my fanpage.  It was successful on all fronts.  I appreciate all of you referring friends so much that I am extending a pretty sweet discount to those who entered and did not win.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You can't do it all

I recently went on a second mini honeymoon with my man.  We just got married back in May and had a hyphenated honeymoon in Austin.  We had a blast then but it wasn't long enough so we decided to go back for a couple more days.  Here's a few of my favorite shots from the weekend:

Our break from reality reminded me of a few things which I've been too busy to notice how they've slipped away.  First, I miss my hubs.  We get so busy doing the day to day thing that we miss out on one another.  I'm sure all relationships suffer that from time to time.  Secondly, I realized after I bombed my exam in Digital Media Law tonight, that my priorities are way out of whack.

There's lots of reasons I've been feeling disjointed (sick baby, kitchen remodel, lack of organization and no desire to do much of anything) but I need to get back to the basics.  As much as I love shooting and meeting new people I still need to make the priority list and stick to it.  I've resolved to only book two sessions per weekend.  This means my scheduling will be tight for my clients but it's so necessary for both my sanity and my family's health.  It's extremely difficult to have passion and practice restraint.

I'll keep on shooting as long as people let me but my family needs my attention and so does my GPA!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Flu And The Contest

I have been home the last few days with my girl.  She was diagnosed with the flu so you can imagine the large amounts of fun she and I are having.  During the midst of all of this I have decided to present my first Facebook contest!  The rules are simple.  All you have to do is email me ( one of your goofiest family pictures by midnight on Thursday, February 17th.  Like this:

Or this:

Okay, so the second one was more gross than funny, but you get the idea.  I will create an album on my fanpage.  Invite your friends and family to "like" your picture.  The picture with the most "likes" wins a FREE session and 50% OFF any package!  Voting will last until noon, February 28th.

I am very excited about this contest.  I am hoping for a lot of participation so spread the word!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sweet baby Cade

Photographing these newborns is giving me baby fever!  They are absolutely adorable.  I had the best time shooting this family.  They are all so pretty that they make every image look like it came straight from a magazine.  Big brother Colt was a gentleman as always and mom and dad are very laid back and sweet.  Even when Cade decided to "christen" my baby blanket he was just too darn cute to be annoyed.  Can't say enough about this family.

Here's a few shots from his session:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sweet 16!

I had the privilege of attending my dear friend's Sweet 16.  I've known Sabrina since she was just a little girl and she is a beautiful and talented girl.  Always smiling, unless she's doing her smoldering look, she has that happy-go-lucky kind of outlook on life.  Here are a few of my favorite shots from her special night.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Crazy weekend...

I. Am. Exhausted.  It was an amazing weekend of shooting.  After the freeze on Thursday and Friday I was afraid I would have to reschedule my three sessions this weekend but thankfully the sun came out and we got a little bit of Spring time weather.  Only in Texas...

Here's a really cool family.  I enjoyed hanging out with them and I have some pretty cool ideas for them in the future so be on the look out for that!

This little cutie gives the best hugs...however, when I asked if I was her friend she told me not to say that.  What a diva!

And lastly, but certainly not least, this little guy is all boy!  Runny nose and all.  His pants were just a tad too big and he showed me a little more than I bargained for in the form of a full little moon!

Slowing down a little bit next weekend for some much needed rest.  With the exception of a newborn session I will be putting my house back together from a remodel.  Yes, it is chaos at the Villarreal house!

About The Photog

My photo
My name is Tara Villarreal and I am an onsite photographer in the Houston area. I am also a wife and a mother so I know the importance of creating beautiful memories. Helping you keep them in pictures is my passion.